
Inspiring Leadership: The Leadership Matters Series

March 14, 2018


Inspiring Leadership: The Leadership Matters Series

Presenter: Barbara J. Jackson, PhD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Before you can move minds, you have to be able to move hearts. This is quite counter to the traditional “command and control” style of leadership that our industry is known for. But “command and control” hasn’t worked for quite some time. Instead, what is called for, but often missing in leadership, is the ability to inspire, motivate, and energize people every day. It is inspiration and motivation that can moves hearts, and ultimately, move minds, to achieve your organizational goals. In this session, we will focus on how you can intentionally improve the inspirational effect that you have on people and the difference that makes in their performance and commitment. We will explore how inspiration and leadership are interconnected and consider how genuine conversations galvanize people to achieve more than they thought possible.

  • You will learn how to get past your own ego and develop the gift of attention to inspire and support the people around you
  • You will learn how to show up authentic and real and gain the confidence of others that you are “for” them
  • You will learn how to blend logic and emotion, and show conviction through your presence
  • You will learn how to be intentional in all that you do to the point that few will doubt your ability to achieve your goals



Schedule: March 14, 2018

Format: Webinar