New Year, New Changes for DBIA’s Blog

DBIA’s blog was created to serve our members and design-build community timely and topical design-build news and resources. Of course, we’ve got a lot of other resources for you, too, whether it’s our podcast, weekly newsletter, emails, social media and continuous new resources added to our website and bookstore. But what makes the blog unique is that we can provide a large variety of news quickly or even long-form industry thought pieces in the timeliest way.

Have You Subscribed?

If you haven’t subscribed to our Design-Build Deliver blog, we hope you do so (from the top of this page) and start the year off right.

New Advertising Opportunities 

DBIA is excited about the new year and new opportunities for our advertisers. We will be transitioning away from our Integration Quarterly magazine (in the second half of 2023) to provide newly added advertising and sponsored content here on the blog. If your organization wants to reach the growing design-build community, please share this news with them.

DBIA’s 2023 Advertiser’s Guide provides all the details, including rates and specifications, but here are some highlights:

Banner Advertising on DBIA’s Blog 

  • DBIA will offer an interstitial and lower leaderboard banner on each post.
  • Monthly advertisers (2 each month) will receive banners on a minimum of 6 posts.
  • Your advertising will live with those posts on DBIA’s Design-Build Done Right® blog forever.
  • DBIA blog posts Our posts are also promoted to DBIA’s 30,000+ email list, weekly Insight newsletter and social media followers.

Sponsored Content Articles 

  • For the first time, DBIA will be offering industry thought leaders the opportunity to provide sponsored editorial content (not marketing pitches) for our blog. Articles will be 750 words, including 2-3 images and links. DBIA will approve the topic and content.
  • Sponsored posts will also be offered the lower leaderboard banner as an additional opportunity to engage with our design-build audience.

Integration Quarterly magazine will publish two issues in 2023, one in February and one in June. 2022 rates, ad specifications and the submission process will continue unchanged. We hope our readers and advertisers alike will be as excited as we are with the changes coming with the new year.

Here’s to an exciting 2023!