
Design-build is the fastest growing, most popular way to delivery projects in the nation.

It’s no surprise why.

Design-build is the best performing delivery system for both schedule and cost, allowing states, counties and cities to do more with limited resources while also delivering innovative and resilient projects to their communities.

Excellence. It’s built in.

DBIA’s advocacy and outreach team is experienced helping states craft effective design-build legislation.

We’ve helped Federal Owners implement design-build effectively for decades.

New design-build market research shows nearly half of all projects now use design-build. It’s also the fastest growing delivery method with the highest satisfaction rate among owners. CII/Pankow also revisited the nation’s seminal design-build performance research 20 years later, and found that design-build continues to out-perform other delivery systems in cost, schedule, growth measures, construction and delivery speed.

DBIA’s go-to resource for design-build statistics, data and research responses in one convenient sourcebook.

Our advocacy and outreach professionals are here to provide the resources you need to craft effective project delivery legislation. Design-build delivers for communities and DBIA will deliver for you.