Draper Light Rail Extension Design-Build

2014 | Transportation | National Award of Merit

Design-Build Team Summary

The Draper Light Rail Transit project involved constructing 3.8 miles of electrified double track, two sidings, seven at-grade crossings, six traffic signal controlled pedestrian crossings to connect the Sandy/Draper trail system, 20,000 feet of noise barrier walls, three stations with park-and-ride facilities, three traction power substations, an 84-inch Dry Creek drainage structure, an equestrian underpass for future use and a historic plaza adjacent to the Draper Town Center station. This project required extensive coordination and communication with several stakeholders including Utah Transit Authority, Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Sandy City, Draper City, WaterPro and the Intermountain Farmers Association (IFA).

Design-Build Team

Owner: Utah Transit Authority
Design-Builder: Kiewit/Herzog/Parsons
Engineer: Parsons Transportation Group, Inc.
Specialty Contractor: Herzog Contracting Corp.