Board of Directors Nomination Form

"*" indicates required fields


Nominations due May 5, 2025.

The DBIA National Board of Directors invite you to nominate DBIA members in good standing to the 2026 Board of Directors. We are seeking candidates who understand and support DBIA’s mission and goals and who are committed to advancing the understanding and use of design-build project delivery across all sectors and markets.

Per DBIA’s bylaws, industry firm representation on the Board shall consist of a cross section of organizational types consistent with the Institute’s objective of “promoting good relations with owners of construction projects, both public and private, and with all disciplines and sectors within the construction industry.”

Only DBIA members in good standing are eligible to serve on the DBIA National Board of Directors.

Use this reference sheet to assist with gathering information needed to nominate individuals. Please be prepared to upload a photo and resume of the nominee as part of the submission process.


About the Nominee

(i.e., DBIA, AIA, P.E., LEED)
Nominee Business Address*


This bio will be used on the DBIA website and in other announcements if the candidate is selected to the DBIA National Board. Please consult with the nominee in providing this bio.


Confirm the type of DBIA membership held by the nominee:*


Can the nominee commit to up to four face-to-face meetings per year?*


Will the nominee and/or the organization represented cover travel costs to attend Board meetings?*
(except for public and/or private owners who will be reimbursed for travel expenditures associated with attendance at board meetings)


Evidence of such can be through involvement on committees at the Region and/or National levels, sponsorships, attendance at events, etc.



Per the DBIA bylaws, a minimum of thirteen (13) Voting Directors serve for a three-year term, except as prescribed by Board from time to time. A maximum of eight (8) Voting Directors shall serve for a one-year term.
Is the nominee interested in:*



Provide the name, contact information and reference statement of at least three industry professionals who will support this nomination (other than submitter)





Please use the form below to upload:

  • a photo of nominee (high resolution JPEG file for use on DBIA website if selected)
  • a copy of the nominee’s resume as a Word document or PDF
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 20 MB, Max. files: 8.


    By signing below, you attest that the nominee understands the following:

    Serving the industry in a volunteer capacity such as that of a DBIA Board member has rewards beyond those associated with ordinary membership. By giving time, you will help shape the future of your industry. In addition, you will meet people who will expand your thinking and contribute to your professional growth. Serving on DBIA’s Board of Directors is a unique opportunity for professional service. As a “big-tent” organization that brings together owners and all segments of design and construction practitioners, DBIA member volunteers gain direct exposure to multiple viewpoints and perspectives on our ever-changing industry.

    The primary function of the DBIA Board of Directors includes input on policy development and the organization’s general strategic direction. This is accomplished through the ability of all Board members to have a broad outward vision, a clear focus on the overall advancement of the A/E/C industry and a proactive approach to long-term success. In addition to exercising this level of strategic leadership, candidates must agree to other key responsibilities as outlined in the DBIA Board of Directors Charter.

    Submitter Name*
    Type your full name here