Questions about DBIA’s Advocacy efforts?

DBIA’s advocacy and outreach professionals are here to provide the resources you need to craft effective project delivery legislation.

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DBIA offers a number of legislative resources to help guide project delivery decision-making in our online Bookstore, including:

  • Guide for Enactment of Design-Build LegislationThis guide creates a road map to secure approval of collaborative project delivery methods, specifically design-build, by legislative and regulatory bodies, as well as stakeholders in the design and construction industry.
  • Model Legislation: DBIA developed this sample model legislative language for Best Value Selection and Progressive Design-Build, which can be used as drafted or modified to meet the specific requirements of the state government or legislators.
  • 2025 State Statute Report: A guide to state design-build laws providing Owners, lawmakers and industry professionals with the statutory information needed to guide their project delivery decision making.

Debunking Myths

Despite design-build’s impressive growth from what was once considered an alternative project delivery method to one that is now more mainstream, there are still many myths surrounding design-build, and it’s important to dispel them by providing the facts. Read some of the most common myths we often hear.