Indifference is Not an Option

“As our nation has experienced a level of civil unrest we likely never thought we would see in our lifetime, there is no better time to remind us that DBIA’s core values include “mutual respect for and appreciation of diversity.”  DBIA is proud to say that for us these are more than just words on paper, but a philosophy that is engrained both at the staff level and among the DBIA National Board.

We cannot succeed without working together – design-builders live this creed each and every day. We’re obligated, as DBIA members committed to inclusiveness, to practice what we preach, to remain vigilant, and demonstrate these core values in everything we do. We know our industry, as well as our nation, has significant work to do in creating a truly inclusive world. DBIA remains committed to that charge because as author James Baldwin has said: ‘Neither love nor terror makes one blind: indifference makes one blind.’”

Lisa Washington, CAE

DBIA Executive Director/CEO