Urging Congress to Address Infrastructure Reform in Latest Stimulus Package

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, interest has once again been renewed in passing infrastructure stimulus, with lawmakers having more formal discussions about a long-talked-about infrastructure package.

“Lawmakers may be away from Capitol Hill, but negotiations have already quietly begun on what could become a fourth stimulus package to respond to the novel coronavirus. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Monday that she hopes to include more direct payments for individuals, money for state and local governments and infrastructure funding to address broadband and water systems in such a stimulus bill.” – CNN

While infrastructure reform has historically been a bipartisan issue, with both parties open to the idea of increased investment, the challenge has been finding the pay-fors. The need for recovery and economic stimulus in the post-COVID-19 world might change that.

“House Democratic leaders said they would push for a five-year $760 billion infrastructure plan that they unveiled earlier this year to be part of the next coronavirus stimulus package, saying that a broad plan would provide jobs and spur economic activity.” – Wall Street Journal

DBIA has urged Congress to pass an infrastructure investment package. Here’s part of the letter we sent to Congress:

“Our nation will be facing economic repercussions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic for quite some time. History has shown time and again that investment in infrastructure is an effective and efficient method of getting Americans back to work. Research shows early collaboration and design-build’s inherent ability to innovate and adapt delivers efficient projects from both a time and cost perspective. Utilizing design-build will put tax-payer dollars to work as quickly as possible. Design-build’s nimble nature and proven speed mean that my industry is prepared to be help lead the very near-term work needed to refit and repurpose structures to meet immediate healthcare and related production needs.” – DBIA’s Letter to Congress

DBIA has also encouraged our members to reach out to their lawmakers directly. Now’s the time to urge Congress to include policy provisions based on Design-Build Done Right® Best Practices to encourage wide use of design-build.

It’s also important that the design-build community prepare for recovery. Design-build education and training now can help teams prepare for what could be a hectic post-COVID-19 period. That’s why DBIA is making our Certification Workshops available virtually, allowing the design and construction industry to be ready to rebuild our nation. Attendees collaborate in real-time with their instructor and fellow students, providing the same highly engaged workshop experience DBIA instructors are famous for delivering. See the DBIA website for more details.

Design-build has a long history of helping our nation in times of crisis and DBIA stands ready to help it do so again. By investing today in the work of rebuilding and modernizing our nation’s essential infrastructure, and by investing in ourselves as industry professionals, we’re also investing in an economic expansion for years to come.