
Tailored to fit your organization’s needs, our company-based training brings Design-Build Done Right® education to your workplace. Whether you’re a large agency or a small organization, our customized training options cater to your specific requirements. Our highly trained instructors will work with your team to provide the best education at your convenience.

"*" indicates required fields

Thank you for your interest in DBIA company based training. To provide better service, please complete this form so that we may assess your needs and plan a training that is right for you. We will contact you in 1-2 business days.


Company Contact Name*


Company Contact Full Address*


In what timeframe would you like your training, if possible?*


What is your preferred method of training?*


What best describes your organization?*


What best describes the types of projects you build?
(check all that apply)
What best describes the types of projects you build?


What is the primary purpose of the training you are seeking?*
(check all that apply)

(We want to get a large group of employees DBIA certified by hosting a 3-day Certification Workshop.)

(Executive Leadership needs a high-level understanding of design-build to ensure an environment that supports the effective procurement and/or execution of design-build.)

(We need to expand our understanding of Design-Build Done Right® and align with our organizational policies and culture).

* If you selected “Customized Training” or “Executive Training,” DBIA will reach out to schedule a call to further assess your needs prior to preparing a training proposal.


For example, has it been used on projects in the past? If so, how many and what were the results? Are there challenges/opportunities based on your experience?


What procurement approach is most applicable to your training needs?*


(i.e., what should students be able to do/accomplish after receiving training?)


DBIA strongly encourages that all key players, including procurement and legal professionals for Owners, participate in training. Please check the players you plan to train.
(check all that apply)