Frequently Asked Questions

Read our Certification Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

For additional questions and assistance, please contact

DBIA Code of Conduct

DBIA’s Code of Professional Conduct helps to ensure our industry meets the highest level of ethical conduct, professionalism and service. All DBIA and Assoc. DBIA credential holders are required to read and adhere to the Code.

Learn More

DBIA certifications provide the only measurable standard to evaluate a professional’s understanding of Design-Build Done Right®. DBIA’s curriculum-based program educates Owners as well as designers and builders on team-centered approaches that are essential to effective design-build. 


If you are in the process of seeking the DBIA® or the Assoc. DBIA® certification, please note that the required core curriculum (Certification Workshop) and the certification exam will be changing effective mid-September 2024. This means you must have an approved application on file and complete the current certification exam by August 31, 2024. After this date, all candidates will need to restart the process which includes registering and paying to attend the updated Certification Workshop (core courses) and sit for the new exam.

Read the complete Certification Guidelines here.

For questions and assistance, please contact

Value of Certification

As the use of design-build continues to grow, more Owners are looking for design-build certified professionals to deliver their projects. Many Owners award points or additional consideration in solicitations for teams that have DBIA certified professionals as it is a way to ensure an understanding of Design-Build Done Right® best practices.

According to a recent survey conducted by DBIA of our certified credential holders:

  • 64% say they’ve seen direct reference to DBIA certification in project solicitations. An additional 30% felt it provided a competitive advantage. 
  • 55% say that having a DBIA-certified professional on the team was a factor in winning a proposal.
  • 70% seek certification because of employer and/or Owner expectations of design-build knowledge
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Types of Certification

DBIA offers two different Designated Design-Build Professional® Certifications. Which DBIA certification you attain depends on various factors including experience, education and professional background. Note: The coursework is the same for both credentials.

See which one is right for you: 

For industry practitioners meeting the required demonstrated hands-on design-build experience. “Hands-on” is defined as playing an active role with direct involvement in the application of design-build best practices and principles during procurement, design phase and construction.

For industry practitioners who may not be able to demonstrate the required hands-on design-build experience but who meet other designated requirements.