We focus and capitalize on DBIA’s unique position as the only organization convening multiple disciplines and stakeholders to bring together divergent perspectives, preparing and supporting our members in addressing complex issues successfully.
Underutilized Business Enterprise (UBE) Membership
DBIA values our UBE community and is excited to help build UBE capacity through increased engagement and by helping these firms make valuable connections to design-build project teams. With design-build currently accounting for nearly half of all design and construction projects, vast opportunities exist for UBEs to be an integral part of our nation’s most successful, innovative and cutting-edge projects.
Joining DBIA will immediately expand your visibility and reach, as well as provide unique opportunities to stand out to design-build teams looking to engage UBE firms. A UBE includes any of the following businesses*: Small, disadvantaged, minority, women- or veteran-owned.
*DBIA will require name of certifying agency to qualify for UBE membership status.
Offer DetailsResources
- UBE Project Case Studies
Read this summary on how successful UBE engagement delivered impressive results on these design-build projects: 1) Wichita’s Northwest Water Facility, 2) 1-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes and 3) Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Terminal C High Gates
- FMI 2024 Design-Build Utilization Study
The report highlights the increasing emphasis on involving UBEs, with strategic mentorship programs and early engagement helping to unlock new opportunities for smaller firms.
- FMI 2021 DBIA Design-Build Utilization Update
FMI research validates that meaningful engagement of UBEs is best achieved using design-build.