NREL Research and Innovation Laboratory (RAIL)

2024 | Industrial / Process / Research Facilities | National Award of Merit
Golden, CO

Design-Build Team Summary

Photo Credit: NREL and Mortenson

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is a US Department of Energy (DOE) laboratory with the goal of creating a vision of a clean energy future. Design-build is second nature to NREL as it has a 15-year history using Firm Fixed Price Performance-Based Design-Build as a preferred project delivery methodology. Their newest wet chemistry lab,  Research and Innovation Laboratory (RAIL), supports cross-disciplinary research at the intersection of chemistry, materials science and bioscience. The research at this facility will focus on upcycling, next generation batteries and advanced energy materials.

The RAIL facility was designed and constructed to not only provide critical research space for NREL but also to demonstrate for DOE how research space could be constructed in a more efficient and flexible manner to gain value in the initial construction and reduce the costs of modifying research space in the future as research evolves and new research equipment and capabilities are needed. The RAIL is also the first of its kind at NREL with the goal to set a new standard for how research can be more collaborative and its spaces more flexible and cost efficient to operate. One of its unique features is that it is a shared laboratory facility with intentional internal and external collaboration areas but no assigned office space.

Incorporating Innovation, Sustainability and Inclusion

The building design considered solar optimization and natural stormwater conveyance and also incorporated water reduction and conservation strategies. They added natural landscaping such as native plantings and local cobble gabian walls. The project was designed to support a future microgrid incorporation to reduce overall grid dependency and connect to a greater energy system on the NREL Campus. Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging training and education lunch and learns were hosted with the entire NREL and Mortenson-Davis DB teams throughout the life of the project. Mortenson hosted Women in Construction industry events where 400+ women from the industry attended, including NREL team members, to learn together, hear from influential leaders in the industry and network with one another.

The RAIL is an incredible success story that continues to support NREL’s dedication to its design-build acquisition strategy within the US Department of Energy. The final product has been acknowledged by NREL as not only meeting but exceeding its expectations for this unique laboratory within the DOE complex.

Design-Build Team

Client/Owner:US Department of Energy (DOE) / National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Design-Build Firm:Mortenson
Architect:Davis Partnership Architects
Engineers:Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers; Cator, Ruma & Associates; RFD
Specialty Contractors:Murphy Mechanical; Encore Electric
Project Cost:$20,740,044
Construction Duration:12 Months
