
Identifying a Viable P3 Project: Key Public and Private Sector Considerations

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EST


Identifying a Viable P3 Project: Key Public and Private Sector Considerations

This webinar will provide essential information on how to identify infrastructure projects best suited to public-private partnership (P3) delivery. First, a public sector panelist with firsthand experience in P3 delivery will discuss qualitative and quantitative owner considerations, including comparing P3 to traditional project delivery. A P3 financial expert will identify factors that need to be considered to assess the financial feasibility of P3 delivery for a project, including identifying and quantifying risks. Finally, the private sector proposer perspective will be discussed including technical feasibility, strength of revenue stream and stage of development of a project.

The experts will include a public sector official who has executed successful P3 projects and key representatives from the financial advisory and developer communities. Following the presentation, the group will address attendee questions.

Moderator: Dusty Holcombe, RS&H


Key Learning Points:

  1. The qualitative and quantitative considerations for assessing an infrastructure project for P3 delivery.
  2. A comparison of public-private partnership delivery with traditional project delivery.
  3. A review of elements to consider when assessing the financial feasibility of P3 delivery for a project.
  4. Key points that the private sector proposer should consider when determining whether to pursue of P3 project.



Schedule: November 14, 2018

Format: Webinar