Posts for Category: Uncategorized
It’s All Greek to Me
Winter 2013 DBIA Honors Chobani, Inc.’s Greek Yogurt Facility as “Project of the Year” When DBIA and its Awards Jury consider the “Project of the Year,” they think of the best. The best is not defined by just meeting expectations, but rather exceeding them. The winner of this prestigious award demonstrates innovative solutions to project […] -
DBIA Announces National Design-Build Student Competition Finalists
Washington, D.C., Oct. 28, 2013 2013 finalists include teams from Auburn University, California State University – Sacramento and Colorado State University The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA), the only organization that defines, teaches and promotes best practices in design-build, has announced the three finalists in its 2013 National Design-Build Student Competition. Student teams from Auburn […] -
Government Shutdown was Bad Project Delivery
by Geoff Corey | October 24, 2014 The government shutdown is finally over, but there’s already talk of another one in January when the funding runs out again. While watching the coverage of Congressional action (or inaction) around the shutdown, I was reminded of traditional project delivery: a lack of communication leading to costly delays. […] -
Intercounty Controversy Quelled
Spring 2013 Best practices are even more important on high-profile projects. Whether you measure hours wasted in traffic or levels of road rage, the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area routinely makes top 10 lists of the worst traffic in the nation. Congestion is a fact of life in the region formally known as the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan […] -
Meeting the Ultimate Deadline
Summer 2012 While experienced design-build teams can satisfy the objectives of military construction projects, the work is not without its challenges. By Mike Duffey, P.E. The Sept. 15, 2011, deadline mandated by the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) commission left no room for delays in project planning, design, scheduling and implementation. The U.S. Army […] -
Reinventing Partnering at Coyote Ridge
Winter 2011 How Washington State’s Department of Corrections made partnering work on a large design-build prison construction project By Jerry Winkler, AIA, NCARB Completed in 32 months, the $190 million Coyote Ridge Corrections Center in Connell, Wash., spans 564,000 square feet and houses 2,048 new beds. It is the largest non-Department of Transportation design-build project […] -
A Site to Behold
Winter 2011 A new UCSF research building overcame extensive site constraints to become an award-winning example of innovation and collaboration. When Michael Saks first saw the building site for a new medical research facility to be constructed on a hillside on the Parnassus campus of the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), his first […] -
A Monument Worthy of the Man
Summer 2011 Design-build’s role in making Dr. King’s national memorial a reality. On August 28, 2011, the 48th anniversary of the momentous March on Washington, the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial will be officially dedicated. Nestled in Washington, D.C.’s Tidal Basin, the memorial to the slain civil rights leader is visually linked with the […]