Posts for Category: Uncategorized
DBIA’s 2020 Design-Build Conferences Go Virtual
What a year it’s been! While DBIA planned for “hybrid” conferences in October, current local restrictions mandate we convert to a 100% virtual experience. Given the continued uncertainty of COVID, going virtual allows us to put the health and safety of our attendees first while also maximizing your opportunity to access everything a DBIA conference […] -
DBIA Announces 2020 National Award Winners
The Design-Build Institute of America is proud to announce its winners in the national 2020 Design-Build Project/Team Awards competition. We received among the largest number of entries in many years and the diversity of projects was impressive. Jurors found that across all sectors and project types, there is a growing amount of design-build innovation redefining project success […] -
Indifference is Not an Option
“As our nation has experienced a level of civil unrest we likely never thought we would see in our lifetime, there is no better time to remind us that DBIA’s core values include “mutual respect for and appreciation of diversity.” DBIA is proud to say that for us these are more than just words on […] -
DBIA Members Mobilize to Fight COVID-19 Nationwide
“We don’t have time to deal with red tape and bureaucracy.” Lt. Gen. Todd T. Semonite, Army Corps of Engineers The challenges facing our nation as we battle the COVID-19 pandemic are immense. The Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) reports they have 15-thousand team members now working with states across the nation to build alternate […] -
DBIA Members (And Their Families!) Making a Difference
Each day the headlines are filled with more sad news as our nation fights this pandemic. But there are some incredible good news stories out there too…here is just one. As hospitals and health care facilities continue to find creative ways to provide PPE for health care workers, people have stepped up to make their […] -
Kansas Approves the Use of Design-Build in Transportation
The Kansas legislature passed a 10-year transportation stimulus bill as part of the Eisenhower Transportation Legacy Program to help counter the economic damage from the Covid 19 pandemic. The bill re-authorizes the Kansas Department of Transportation to use alternative delivery methods like Design-Build and Construction Management at Risk (CMAR). KDOT had Design-Build authority for a […] -
New York’s Disaster Declaration Also Means Broad Use of Design-Build
The state of New York’s Disaster Emergency declaration grants additional powers while suspending some legal requirements to facilitate the State’s ability to respond more quickly to the COVID-19 outbreak. Since design-build authority in New York is limited by law, Governor Cuomo has lifted those restrictions to allow cities, counties and the state a speedier and […] -
Celebrating New Designated Design-Build Professionals – February 23, 2020
Every year, hundreds of people undertake the training and education necessary to become a Designated Design-Build Professional.™ As the industry grows, so does the need for qualified professionals who practice Design-Build Done Right®. Featured below are just a few of the many industry professionals that are becoming DBIA certified. Congratulations to all! Theodore Wunderlich, CCM, […] -
Design-Build to Transform NYC’s Criminal Justice System
New York City’s Borough-based Jail Program will use design-build to deliver four new jails to replace Rikers Island. These jails will be far more than just new buildings, they’re at heart of an entirely new corrections system which will be smaller and, according to city leaders, “built upon a foundation of dignity and respect.” This […] -
Seminole State College of Florida Wins 2019 National Design-Build Student Competition
After coming up short in the finals last year, the team Seminole State College of Florida finished what it started this year by taking home the top prize in the 2019 National Design-Build Student Competition. The finals of the competition, which take place every year at the Design-Build Conference & Expo, involved three teams of […]